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Freddie DeBlieux@ 10:07pm 08-20-2010


Baton Rouge, LA 70801
A beautiful tree on the grounds of the Louisiana Old State Capitol. Planted by Henry Watkins Allen in 1857. Brought from Mainland China.
Pavel Hrubík@ 4:46pm 08-10-2010


Dnes (10.8.) som si opäť so záujmom pozrel video o posvätnom strome Ginkgo biloba (Japonsko, Kamakura: Update 13.6.2010). Hachiman Ginkgo obnovilo svoj rast a nové výhonky vyrastajú z poškodeného kmeňa a koreňov. Teším sa z obnovy rastu tohto stromu, ale zaujíma ma, aký je súčasný stav rastu výhonkov (či sa neobjavuje predčasné žltnutie listov na niektorých výhonkoch, prípadné iné poškodenie suchom ). Ďakujem sa informáciu a pozdravujem všetkých pestovateľov Ginko biloba!
Michaël Lapointe@ 8:03pm 08-08-2010


Canada (Québec)
J'ai commencé à le cultiver il y a 2 ans chez moi. C'est un arbre très facile et de beauté. Son histoire est même passionnante. Projet de ginko bonsaï pour très bientôt..
Pavel Hrubík@ 10:44am 08-08-2010


Dnes 8.8.2010 si pripomíname 65.výročie tragickej udalosti v Hirošime, v Japonsku. Výbuch atómovej bomby prežili jedine vzácne stromy Ginkgo biloba. Navštívil som aj ja v rodnej obci Senné malý park, kde rastie strom Ginkgo biloba (semená boli privezené z expedície v Číne v r. 1960, z pohoriaTianmu Šan, prírodná rezervácia), vypestovaný v Arboréte Mlyňany SAV a vysadený v roku 1965. Krása stromu Ginkgo, symbolizuje smutný príbeh, ale "Nikdy viac Hirošima". Pozdravujem všetkých pestovateľov Ginkgo!
Patricio Castro@ 4:32am 08-08-2010


Lima, Peru
EDUARDO@ 1:56pm 08-07-2010


Verdaderamente muy linda página.Le agradezco lo que me ha enseñado.
Creo que usted tiene una generosidad y amor al prójimo tan grande como la del árbol de Ginkgo.
Coleen Toone@ 3:28pm 08-04-2010


Provo, Utah, USA
Thank you for your information. You have an obvious love for the ginkgo trees. Very nice website.

My first exposure to the ginkgo was when my daughter brought home a leaf she had picked. I was delighted with the shape and had to know more about the tree. Since then I have also come to love the Ginkgo.

Thank you for furthering my education.
Vic Myers@ 4:56am 08-03-2010


Batavia IL - USA
I came across a beautiful old tree last week in Auburn New York It is behind a museum on Genesee St. We did not know what kind of tree it was until we found your site. It told us so much about the trees that we are looking to plant one in the Spring
- male tree to avoid the smelly fruit. Thanks for the information
Pavel Hrubík@ 3:10pm 08-01-2010


Nitra / Slovensko
Ďakujem Vám za aktuálne správy a informácie o Ginkgo biloba v Európe a inde vo svete! Ako rastie posvätný strom po regenerácii koreňového systému v Kamakura,Kanagawa-Tsurugaoka Hachimangu v Japonsku? Obdivujem krásne fotografie o Ginkgo biloba. Na Slovensku pokračujeme vo výskume a v tomto roku stromy Ginkgo biloba veľmi dobre plodia (Topoľčianky,Nitra, Nová Ves nad Žitavou, Beladice, Trenčín, Košice). Pozdrav pre všetkých obdivovateľov stromu Ginkgo biloba !!
Celia@ 11:40pm 07-31-2010


Hola Cor Kwant:
Desde hace años vengo visitando periodicamente tu hermosísima página.-
Gracias por el regalo.-
Quiero profundamente a los Ginkgos, no solo por su belleza, sino por su historia.-
Trato de difundir su presencia en el planeta cada vez que tengo oportunidad.- Son un ejemplo de vida.-
Nuevamente gracias y hasta la próxima visita.-
MARTHA@ 4:48am 07-29-2010


New York, usa
very helpful all the information, thanks
MARTHA@ 4:47am 07-29-2010


New York, usa
My favorite tree here in america, i am growing 5 now in my garden all of them has different shapes, but they are only 1 year and other 3 just 6 months! i love them!
Hannele Gauthier@ 9:34pm 07-25-2010


Thank you so much for the information on Ginkgo's. I have a tree I planted when it was 2 years old, now it's 12 years old and going strong... probably a male by your description, I was hoping for a female though... guess I get to go back out into the woods and search again, where I found the last one. This one is about 9 feet tall at the moment and spurting upward every year. It seems to be a happy tree as it gets pampered more than the maple trees that my dad planted about 15 years ago. I'm seriously thinking of starting a grove of Ginkgo's, yet, I wouldn't cut them down after 5 years like the plantations do... no, no way. Harvesting just for the profits that go with it... nope, not my cup of tea at all... I would let them grow as nature would have them grow... harvesting leaves and nuts modestly, not destroying something so beautiful and a life source for all.
John Rawson@ 12:24pm 07-17-2010


New Zealand
Thank you Cor for creating this most beautiful and informative website. I have visited many times and will return many more. I always leave feeling enriched. I will be planting approx 500 seeds in a couple of months time. I have collected these seeds from a number of different trees here in Auckland and so excited at the prospect of watching the life and beauty spring from the soil as the weather warms
Many thanks
Pedro Hurtado@ 11:17pm 07-16-2010


Hola. deciros que he conocido este arbol por casualidad. Estoy buscando el tipo de arbol que se de bien en un camino rural que este invierno quiero sembrar, para dar sombra y marcar la ladera del camino, pero el terreno es malo y hay poca agua, un sitio ideal para el almendro. Pienso ponerle goteo y abonarlos. Y vi en mi ciudad Granada, que en la Gran Via. Han sembrado el Ginkgo y estoy viendo sus carracteristicas. Me gustaria hacerme de unos 40 ejemplares siempre que se den bien en mi terreno, y preferiblemente Machos, por lo del olor. Gracias y si me podeis dar informacion os lo agradesco.

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